Romania's business laws are not exactly the most friendly on earth, but if you force yourself to go through the red tape, you can be the ' Administrator' of your own business sooner than you think. Just make sure you sign every single page of every single document, back and front, even on the blank sides. Basically once you do that, you're in good shape. I recommend retaining the services of a good lawyer (I can recommend if you'd like), and smart accountants (I can also recommend one of those). You won't be dealing with them every day - or even every month - but you gotta have them in your corner. I don't want to go into too many technical details because I want to keep this post light and airy, like a brand new office with no furniture in it. Here's the only other detail you need to know. You can choose to open your business as a PFA ( Persoana Fizica Autorizata) , Romania's equivalent of a Sole Proprietorship, or a SRL ( Societate cu Raspundere...