This week's big story in Romania is the first episode of a Channel 4 Documentary entitled " The Romanians Are Coming ." There's a lot to be said when a controversy-stirring documentary comes out of one of the world's most politically correct nanny states. For one, somebody at the British Censors Bureau realized that as long as Muslims wouldn't be offended, it was safe to air. But seriously, I'm glad it has come out because it says a number of things: 1. "The Romanians are coming!" (Though it's a sorry invasion, if ever there was one) 2. "The Romanians are working the jobs no Brit would do" 3. "The Romanians are claiming sensible benefits in light of their living situation" 4. "The Romanians are leaving" The documentary as it stands on its own doesn't really say much more than that. I mean sure, there's the whole bit about "America's trying to send people to Mars, Romanian Gypsies r...